LASIK Expert Answers Frequently Asked Questions

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Your eyes are very precious, so you should do your research before making any decisions.  At Liberty Laser Eye Center, we’re the expert to answer your frequently asked questions.  Our LASIK expert, Dr. Tanchel, answers many common LASIK questions below:

LASIK Expert Answers Frequently asked Questions

What is LASIK?

LASIK is an FDA-approved laser refractive procedure to correct a wide range of myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. In LASIK, a thin layer of your cornea is lifted to create a flap. The laser sculpts the cornea, then the flap is returned for a quick, natural recovery. The goal of LASIK is to reduce your need for glasses or contact lenses very quickly.

What is All-Laser LASIK?

All-Laser LASIK is an evolutionary FDA approved procedure that eliminates the most common source of complications associated with traditional LASIK surgery. During traditional LASIK, the creation of the corneal flap is performed with a hand-held mechanical razor blade. The new All-Laser LASIK technology uses the precision of a femtosecond laser to perform this crucial part of the procedure. By eliminating the cutting and the blades, this all-laser approach brings a level of safety and precision to laser vision correction that was never attainable with traditional LASIK.

We have been performing All-Laser LASIK at Liberty Laser Eye Center for over 10 years with excellent visual results and have seen absolutely no flap complications. In fact, millions flaps have been created with femtosecond lasers with no vision threatening complications – no other technology can achieve that level of safety in laser vision correction. At Liberty Laser Eye Center, we started with Intralase technology over 10 years ago. We’ve now upgraded to the next generation Femto LDV laser and now provide the most advanced Z-LASIK.

How long will I have to be out of my contact lenses?

For best results, we ask you to keep your contact lenses out according to the following schedule: (Keep in mind you must keep your contact lenses out permanently. No slipping them back in prior to surgery date.)

Soft lenses need to be out for 5 -7 days.

Toric lenses (special lenses with astigmatism correction) need to be out for two (2) weeks.

Gas permeable or hard lenses must be discontinued for 4 – 6 weeks or more in some cases; under certain circumstances, soft lenses can be worn for part of this extended period by some patients. If this is a concern, it can be addressed during your cost-free consultation at Liberty Laser Eye Center.

How will I see right after the procedure?

Your vision will be better immediately after the procedure than it was without glasses before, but it will be a little hazy. You will require a friend or family member to drive you home the day of your procedure. We also recommend having a driver to bring you to your one-day follow-up appointment. Although most patients see well enough to drive the next day, we strongly encourage all patients to consider being accompanied.

Does it hurt?

A lid speculum is used to hold open the eyelids and may be a little uncomfortable but certainly not painful. The laser surgery itself is painless due to the anesthetic eye drops.

Will I have pain after the procedure? Most people do not have pain after the procedure, but they sometimes have dry eye symptoms for a few days or weeks. We recommend use of artificial tear eye drops to reduce the dry eye symptoms and help speed the healing process.

Are there any restrictions after surgery?

Most people return to work and normal activities within 24- 48 hours after their procedure. Keep in mind you must be seen for a post-op appointment the next day. NO rubbing the eye! NO swimming or contact sports for at least one week and avoid excessive use of alcoholic beverages for a few days following surgery as it causes dehydration, which can increase dry eye symptoms.

You will be provided with specific post-operative instructions from our patient counselor prior to your treatment. Dr. Tanchel may offer specific advice depending on your lifestyle, interests, and clinical exam.

Give us a call to schedule your free consultation so our LASIK expert can answer all your questions.

Lasik Eye Surgery » LASIK Expert Answers Frequently Asked Questions